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 Du contenu pour Overlord

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T360 miguel56
T360 miguel56

Nombre de messages : 2965
Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 01/05/2007

Du contenu pour Overlord Empty
MessageSujet: Du contenu pour Overlord   Du contenu pour Overlord EmptyVen 2 Nov - 13:55

Codemasters annonce que du contenu téléchargeable sera disponible pour le jeu Overlord à travers trois packs. Deux seront payants et un sera gratuit et tout ça sera disponible ce mois ci, sans plus de précisions. Détails des 3 packs dans la news.

OVERLORD: RAISING HELL - Premium Downloadable content
Prepare to go deeper into the Overlord’s twisted world as this single-player expansion pack opens a series of hellish new levels. Complete with new enemies and objectives, each new level is a supernatural abyss – a hell for each of the game’s five kingdoms: Mellow Hills, Evernight, Heaven’s Peak, the Golden Halls and the Ruborian Desert.

Access to each abyss is via a portal, which opens once a kingdom has been successfully conquered and the previous ruler banished to a personal hell within. However it’s not just the fallen heroes that have been dragged into the abyss: the Overlord’s newly loyal peasants have also been taken down into hell too.

With the undead denizens of each abyss on the attack and threatening the Overlord’s reign above ground, there’s only one thing for it: assemble your minion army, descend into each abyss and embark on a fresh wave of tyranny in order to return the serfs to their homelands, defeat the fallen heroes once and for all, and claim the throne of each kingdom’s underworld.

OVERLORD: CHALLENGE PACK - Premium Downloadable content.
This additional premium download content pack is ideal for Overlords who really have something to prove. There’s pillaging fun with seven new online multiplayer maps, including the competitive ‘Capture the Maiden’ map and ‘Protect Your Power’, where players must defend the Overlord’s tower against waves of enemy attack.

Putting minions through their toughest workout, the Challenge pack also introduces a “Legendary” difficulty mode, which challenges players to achieve Legendary status by using their most aggressive minion managing skills to complete the game under exceptional bad-ass circumstances.

The free update will be available alongside the premium packs and will enable players to go head to head in an all-new split screen multiplayer mode. In addition to providing split screen play on all of the game’s original multiplayer maps, the update will also introduce a new multiplayer map, Rocky Race, which sees a pair of Overlords working cooperatively to survive the onslaught of an arch rock giant on the rampage.
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